Subtitled, "Revolution, Evolution, Social Darwinism, & The Survival of The Greek Community", this lecture instructs fraternity and sorority members on:
• The Real Formula For Greek Life
• Why The Situation Is Urgent
• Why Would Anyone Join Today?
Ten Key Steps To Chapter Success are presented along with demographic information about today's students that makes a strong case that business as usual in the Greek Community is over. Greek members are encouraged to say what they mean, do what they say, and to admit it when they fall short of the stated philosophical principles. Chapter Success includes specific suggestions about scholarship, community service, substance abuse issues, hazing, sexism, racism, and the real meaning of being Greek. Participants also are instructed in appropriate Sales Techniques and Recruitment Processes for attracting and initiating new members. Dr. Keim remains a member in good standing of his fraternity Delta Upsilon and is the 2001 Recipient of the Jack Anson Award from the Association of Fraternity Advisors for Outstanding Interfraternalism and Service to Greek Life in America and Canada. This presentation can be a Greek 101 all campus chapter, kick off Greek Week, or be presented campus wide any time during the year.